This page contains resources that will be helpful to teams throughout the BEST season.
2017 Local Documents
- Consent Form (required for every person participating in BEST. Teachers: Please have each student complete one of these and bring them all to Kick Off.)
- Team Roster (This roster should be completed by the teacher and sent to Hannah Crawford prior to Kick Off and whenever the team membership changes. A hard copy should be brought to each event.
Notebook Examples
Technical Documents- Notebook example (NEW)
Best Robotics, Inc. Links
- BEST Robotics, Inc. main page (Click on the "Participants" menu for a plethora of helpful resources.)
- BEST Robotics, Inc. Rules Page (Bookmark this page and reference it often.)
Other Helpful Links
Learning From Others (Source of document is listed in parenthesis)
- Examples of Educational Displays (Wolverine BEST)
- BEST Vocabulary (Wolverine BEST)
- Code of Student Conduct (Wolverine BEST)
- Coaches Survival Guide (Wolverine BEST)