If your company would like to be a part of impacting young lives, please review the sponsorship page on this site and contact Mike Kennamer to discuss your sponsorship.
The funds raised during the sponsorship drive are used to purchase such items as trophies, t-shirts, game day supplies, and returnable kits.
Companies may become a sponsor for a little as $250. Promotional consideration is increased according to the amount of the sponsorship. For instance, companies who sponsor BEST at the $500 level receive:
- Listing and link on the Northeast Alabama BEST website (www.northeastalabamabest.org)
- Listing in the Game Day program
- Listing in the Kick-Off Day notebooks
- Announcements about your sponsorship on Game Day and Kick-Off Day
- Listing in the “Meet Our Sponsors” section of the website
- Listing on Game Day T Shirt
- At least one post about your company on the website/blog/Twitter/Facebook
- Award named after your company – For example, the TVA Top Gun Award was given to the team scoring the most points in one round. The Fort Payne Improvement Authority Most Economical Design Award was given to the team with the lightest weight robot.
- Invitation to present an award at Game Day
- 2 VIP Passes to all BEST Robotics Events
Northeast Alabama BEST Robotics also accepts contributions from individuals. Contributions may be sent to Northeast Alabama BEST Robotics, P.O. Box 159, Rainsville, AL 35986.
Resolve to be a part of Northeast Alabama BEST Robotics this year!